Why Grits and Grace?
Why would anyone title their blog “Grits and grace?” And that is a very good question! I realized some time ago that my southern up bringing had a lot to do with who I am as a person and that it has played a pivotal role in my artwork.
i love the south. i love the south because of it’s beauty! Growing up in north carolina we had the mountains (out west you would call them large hills but for us they were mountains) which in the fall have gorgeous colors in every possible shade all created by God. We have the beaches that are warm and sunny and you can walk until you can’t walk any more. you can collect full shells - that are absolutely beautiful in all their shapes and colors. And the fact that little creatures once lived inside them is amazing! We have light houses that tell so much history about the seas. We have beautiful stately trees that give shade during the hot summer days along with fragrances that bring back childhood memories. we have all four seasons - winter, spring, summer and fall. best of all we have lightening bugs (or as you may know them - Fireflies). If you’ve never had the chance to see them, or better yet catch them in small mason jars, than you have truly missed out on a fun gift of nature!
But more than the beautiful nature of where I grew up, i grew up knowing that all people are important and worth knowing. I grew up understanding that all people deserve respect and that kindness meant patience and taking the time to listen to someone tell a story was important because it was important to them. We also have relatives and friends who have turned story telling into a art form and can make you laugh and cry all at the same time. Family is very important and we can all trace our lineages. Ancestory.com has nothing on true southerners. In any given situation you’ll probably be asked “who are your people?” and we can tell you! Asking for directions was a chance to share some of the local gossip and if you didn’t know where Joe’s gas station on the left was, then you were just plain lost.
i grew up with cousins and visiting relatives on a sunday afternoon. Family reunions were huge and the food was amazing!
learning to cook was a way of life. you started as soon as you were old enough to stand on a chair beside your mom or grandma while They explained all they were doing and you helped. family recipes always started with a pinch of this and dash of that…and they still do!
i grew up going to church. church was important and my parents made it important for me and my brothers. My faith is an integral part of who i am. It is what defines me - not who my people are or what i do, but that i am truly a child of god. And I am a child of God by His grace - it’s nothing that i have done to earn this - it’s truly God forgiving me despite all my faults and shortcomings.
I chose “Grits and Grace” because it really does capture my past as well as my future. I am a continual work in progress and my past certainly has shaped me but the present and the future continue to mold me into the person God desires. It also continues to create and mold my artwork. Many artists use their art as a form of statement they would like to make. I use mine to hopefully inspire, encourage, uplift and make you smile. I was once asked what is my style of artwork and after careful thought and reflection i decided it really a was boutique style of “colorful artsy goodness with a southern flair!” It’s full of color and beauty that reminds me of the south along with enough artsy thrown in to make it visually appealing. I think that it captures who I am in all the areas of me and I hope it is reflected in the people who know me as well as those who don’t but enjoy my artwork on some level. Oh, and did i forget to tell you - i love grits!
Stay teachable!